As your next city councillor, I want to advocate for some key areas:
Safer community:
It’s time to make Kamloops a safe community again. I pledge to work with our city staff, RCMP and other government partners and by supporting them in their needs to actively reclaim our community safety. I pledge to advocate hard and work with our partners to ensure all municipal bylaws, and provincial and federal laws are enforced equally for everyone. No open drug use. No public intoxication. No public indecency. No illegal activities. If people cannot follow the rules, then they need to realize that our community of Kamloops will not tolerate them.
Supporting businesses:
It’s time to support businesses in Kamloops. Businesses should not have to fight to succeed in Kamloops. I pledge to work with our business and groups, small and large, to streamline AND expedite permitting and finding ways and means to help them thrive in Kamloops.
It’s time to get some basic infrastructure changes done. I pledge to actively change how we deal with snow clearing, street sweeping and road repairs. I believe our city workers need better equipment (front snow blades, snow removal equipment, etc) along with better plans, training and experience to improve our snow removal in Kamloops. I know this can be improved and I pledge to find ways to make it happen soon.. Better snow removal will also help reduce our street damage and our cost from fixing potholes.
It's time to get our non-motorized pathways built, especially our Rivers Trail system. As a long time cyclist in Kamloops I believe our time in now to get our KamPlan multi-use pathways built. Let’s partner with T’Kemloops and finish a River Trail system that links the ALL of Kamloops. E-Bikes, E-Scooters, walkers and runners and all Kamloopsians plus our guest would benefit from this being completed.
It’s time to get sidewalks being built along Dallas Drive and Parkcrest to help ensure the safety of those who have to walk along those busy streets.
It’s time for us to say yes to the Arts Centre. I pledge to support a sound business plan and location for our performing Arts Centre.
Healthy Community
It’s time to get our long overdue Cancer clinic built and see our hospital revamped to meet the needs of our city and surrounding areas. We deserve it and we need it. It’s time to look at whether the IHA is serving us or change it so that it does. I pledge to hold those accountable to task on their promises and see them done.
It’s time to secure our greenspaces and build our city’s tree canopy. I pledge to see a comprehensive tree plan to preserve the values of these assets and expand them.
It’s time to expand our food security by looking ways to increase community gardens. I pledge to see this happens and in all areas of Kamloops.
It’s time we increase the rate which we are helping protect our community from the Risk of wildfire. As a former Forest fire Ecologist I know we absolutely need to address this issue in many areas of Kamloops. I pledge to accelerate this work so we can all sleep, work and play with peace of mind knowing we have made a decreased our risk of loss.
And I have many more! I ask if you like my thinking then support me with your vote on or before October 15th. Better yet, please tell others so that we can make Kamloops a safer, healthier, prosperous and exciting city to live in!